Solve for CODENAME: ICEMAN Problem: I want to play volleyball but there's nobody to play with. Hint: Take your shirt off by the beach chair. Walk West to the screen where the volleyball net is set up. Problem: I want to buy a newspaper but I don't have any money. Hint: Go to your hut. Open the drawer next to your bed and you will find fifty cents. Problem: I can't get into the hotel! Hint: Put your shirt on. It's hanging on the back of your beach chair. Problem: I see girls everywhere but they won't talk to me. Hint: Most of them are not interested in you. If you want a date, go see the brunette sitting alone in the Chi Chi Bar. Problem: What do I do in the Chi Chi Bar? Hint: Ask the brunette sitting alone in the Chi Chi Bar to dance. Then buy her a drink. Kiss her a few times and she will invite you to her hut. Once you are there kiss her some more. You will end up spending the night. The next morning, look carefully in the sand just outside her hut and you will find her earring. Problem: I know I need an earring, where is it? Hint: After spending the night with Stacy, go outside and look carefully just outside the hut. Problem: Which hut is mine? Hint: Ask the receptionist in the hotel lobby for your key. Yours is the second to the last hut, heading west. Problem: How do I rescue the girl at the volleyball game? Hint: Swim out to her. When you bring her back, you can revive her by following the procedures outlined in the Technical Manual that was included with your game. Refer to the CPR Guidelines on page #17. Type in the commands as they are listed. Problem: General Braxton wants me to call. How? Hint: The receptionist in the lobby will give you a message from General Braxton. Look in your closet and check the suit pockets for your phone book. Problem: How do I get to the airport? Hint: Read the sign in the hotel lobby for the telephone number for Nosinky Dinghy Transportation Service. Call from the phone in your hut when you are ready to leave the island. Problem: The man at the airport keeps asking me for my ID card, I don't have it! Hint: You can find your ID card in the drawer in your hut in Tahiti. Problem: What do I do at the Pentagon? Hint: You must have your ID card to get past the guards. Ride the elevator to the Briefing Room. Take notes during your meeting with General Braxton and the CIA agent. Get the manila envelope. Problem: I forgot those numbers that General Braxton told me to commit to memory. What are they? Hint: 1-3-4 that's your part of the combination to a briefcase containing your orders. The Captain of the sub will give it to you at the proper time. Problem: What else should I do at the Pentagon? Hint: Pay attention when showing your I.D. to the guard outside the Briefing room. The guard will shove your card into his pocket. When leaving the Pentagon, you must ask him to return your card. Be careful, he doesn't always return the proper I.D. card to you. Keep asking until you get the right one! Problem: How can I open the safe when I'm alone in The Captain's quarters? Hint: You have to get the combination from the Captain when you are with him in his quarters the first time. Problem: How can I open the briefcase when I'm alone in The Captain's quarters? Hint: You have to get the combination from the Captain when you are with him in his quarters the first time. Problem: How do I open the top compartment of the briefcase? Hint: You need to insert your ID card.... BUT, do you have your correct ID? Pay attention when showing your I.D. while at The Pentagon. One guard shoves your card into his pocket. When leaving the Pentagon, you must ask him to return your card. Be careful, he doesn't always return the proper I.D. card to you. Problem: I have the wrong ID card! What do I do? Hint: The guard outside the Briefing room at the pentagon gave you the wrong card. You will have to RESTORE your game to a point prior to leaving the Pentagon. Make sure to get YOUR ID card. Problem: I found the microfilm viewer but I don't have any microfilm. Hint: You will have to RESTORE back to Tahiti. Ask the brunette sitting alone in the Chi Chi Bar to dance. Then buy her a drink. Kiss her a few times and she will invite you to her hut. Once you are there kiss her some more. You will end up spending the night. The next morning, look carefully in the sand just outside her hut and you will find her earring. Be sure to open her earring and get the microfilm. Problem: I read the microfilm, but I don't understand what it means. Hint: The "A", "N", "AF", and "M" mean "Army", "Navy", "Air Force", and "Marine" These numbers are the CIA decoding offsets. Use the "N" for NAVY when decoding a message from the CIA, a